The Washington Post reports on gun control groups meeting here in Denver to figure out what to do about the Democratic state senators who were recalled for their gun votes. One plan, it seems, would be to borrow from the recallers’ playbook and try some recalls of their own. Yes, it could get even uglier.
Gun-rights leader Dudley Brown vows to to use the gun laws “as a sledgehammer” to “destroy” Colorado Dems running in 2014. Via Washington Post.
Fox31 reports that focus group says Angela Giron’s recall was about more than guns.
How New York’s shield law quashed Colorado subpoena. Via New Yorker.
The GOP civil war goes public as Boehner rips conservative groups for ripping budget deal. Via Politico.
House Republicans held a hearing on climate change. How to describe? Imagine a convention of used car salesman interviewing carefully selected “expert” mechanics to talk about the wonders of the 1972 Ford Gremlin.
Mandela and the question of violence. Via the Atlantic.
Michelle Obama and the selfie: What do we really know? Via Salon.
[ Image by Paul Swansen. ]